Prayer, companionship, and fellowship within a faith community are vitally important to keeping us all together and refreshed in our faith, even when our lives and needs are varied and busy.
Alliance Coffee Hour (will resume after pandemic is managed)
Between Lake Edge's 9:30 worship and Christ the Solid Rock's 11:30 worship, we meet for coffee and goodies. This time of food and fellowship has been vital in strengthening the relationship between our congregations, as we are now housed under one roof. So stay after Lake Edge services, or come early to grab coffee before the CTSR Praise Band begins to play. Either way, you are in for a great time!
Late Risers Breakfast (will resume after pandemic is managed)
![]() The group's purpose is to foster friendships among the women of the church. We collect 50 cents per person each meeting to use towards a mission project. Women of all ages are welcome and there are no reservations required. Late Risers Breakfast is on the second Thursday of each month at the Original Pancake House, 518 River Place, at 9:00 a.m.
The group's purpose is to foster friendships among the women of the church. We collect 50 cents each meeting per person to use towards a mission project. Any of the women of the church are welcome and there are no reservations required.